Monday 13th December 2021


You are no doubt aware that England has moved to ‘Plan B’ in response to the risks of the Omicron variant.

KWMCC remains open, but with some extra measures in place to make your visit here as safe and comfortable as possible:

• We advise mask wearing when moving around the building
• We have increased our PPE points around the centre to ensure
there is plenty of opportunity to use hand sanitiser, wipes and
• We will operate a ‘one in one out’ system in the toilets and
have made other amenities open for use as well
• We have increased our signage around the centre to remind
people about mask wearing and are aware of the current
government guidelines

Your safety and that of our team here at KWMCC is, as always, very important to us, so we hope these measures ensure your visit to us is a pleasant one.

We will be closing the site for our Christmas/New Year break on 23rd December and re-opening on 4th January 2022. On behalf of all the staff and trustees here at KWMCC we would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas, hope you get time to enjoy it with your loved ones, and that you have a happy and healthy New Year and 2022.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please email or speak to us
Call 01473 612648 or email